Dori Lumpkin

Speculative Fiction Writer

ANTENORA, coming October '24 from Creature Publishing!

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About Dori

Dori Lumpkin is a queer writer from South Alabama, currently pursuing an MA in English with a focus in Fiction Writing from the University of South Alabama. They've been a lover of storytelling in all its forms from a very young age, having come from a very extensive theatre background as well as working in the film industry for a time. They believe that storytelling, and especially horror storytelling, is fundamental to understanding the human experience and the world around us. You can find their work in Susurrus, Marrow Magazine, and The Deeps (as well as many others, forthcoming or otherwise). In addition to that, they released a charity horror collection through Ram Eye Press in June of 2023, and will be releasing their debut chapbook "The Same Stars" with Archive of the Odd in 2024 (amongst other solo projects). When not writing, Dori can be found reading, blankly staring at their laptop, or talking way too much about queer erotic horror. They would like to take this time to thank their cat, Lilo, for always sleeping on the laptop when Dori needs to work most.